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Trevor I. Lasn

Day job: Staff Engineer, EM.

Night job: Writing about tech and building dev tools

Improve PageSpeed Insights Score with Lazy Loading Iframes

How to save bandwidth and speed up your site by lazy-loading iframes

Lazy-loading images is pretty common these days, but did you know you can do the same thing with iframes?

By deferring offscreen iframes from being loaded until the user scrolls near them, you can significantly improve your site’s performance.

Let’s break down how to implement lazy-loading iframes, why it’s useful, and what browser support looks like.

Before and After: Adding Lazy Loading to Iframes

Here’s an iframe before adding lazy-loading:

title="Trevor I. Lasn newsletter"

Now, let’s add the loading="lazy" attribute:

title="Trevor I. Lasn newsletter"

That’s it! With just one attribute, the iframe will load only when the user scrolls near it.

Why Lazy-Load Iframes?

Iframes are often used to embed third-party content, like YouTube videos, social media posts, or ads. Most of this content doesn’t appear immediately in the user’s viewport. But when loaded eagerly, users still pay the cost of downloading the iframe’s data and JavaScript, even if they never scroll down to it.

For example, loading a YouTube embed upfront can pull in over 500 KB of resources that users might not even need. By lazy-loading iframes, you defer loading them until users scroll near them. This saves bandwidth and improves page performance, especially for mobile users or those on slower connections.

How Lazy Loading Works

When you add loading="lazy" to an iframe, the browser delays loading it until it’s close to the user’s viewport. This is particularly useful for content that appears below the fold.

Here’s an example:

allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture"

Without lazy-loading, this iframe would load as soon as the page starts loading, even if the user never scrolls down to it. But with the loading="lazy attribute, it only loads when the user approaches it, saving bandwidth and improving your site’s Time to Interactive (TTI).

Browser Support

Lazy-loading for iframes is supported in most modern browsers:

  • Chrome: 77+
  • Edge: 79+
  • Firefox: 121+
  • Safari: 16.4+

This wide browser support means you can confidently implement lazy-loading without worrying about breaking your site for most users.

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This article was originally published on It was written by a human and polished using grammar tools for clarity.