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Trevor I. Lasn

Staff Engineer, EM & Entrepreneur

JavaScript's &&= Operator: Understanding Logical AND Assignment

Use the &&= operator to safely update truthy values while preserving falsy states

The logical AND assignment operator &&= arrived alongside ??= in ECMAScript 2021. It combines logical AND && with assignment =, offering a shorthand way to conditionally update values.

The &&= operator is a logical assignment operator that updates values based on truthiness. It only assigns the new value if the existing value is truthy. Here’s how it works under the hood:

// Traditional if statement
if (x) {
x = y;
// Using logical AND with assignment
x = x && y;
// Modern &&= operator (ES2021)
x &&= y;

The behavior of &&= becomes clear when we examine different initial values.

let access = true;
access &&= 'granted'; // access becomes 'granted'
access = false;
access &&= 'granted'; // access stays false
access = '';
access &&= 'granted'; // access stays empty string
access = 0;
access &&= 'granted'; // access stays 0

Starting with true (truthy), the value changes to ‘granted’; but with false, an empty string, or 0 (all falsy values), the original value stays unchanged.

This demonstrates how &&= only performs assignment when the existing value is truthy, making it ideal for conditional updates where you want to preserve falsy states.

The &&= operator excels at handling conditional updates where you want to respect falsy values. Here’s a common use case with user permissions:

function updateUserAccess(user) {
// Only updates permissions if they already exist
user.canEdit &&= checkPermissions();
user.canDelete &&= checkAdminStatus();
return user;

The &&= operator is also useful for managing application states and validation:

const form = {
isValid: true,
isSubmitted: false,
hasErrors: false
// Only validate if form is currently valid
form.isValid &&= validateFields(); // Runs validation
form.isSubmitted &&= submitToServer(); // Skipped if not valid
form.hasErrors &&= checkErrors(); // Preserves false state

Or for an API response pattern:

const response = {
isAuthenticated: true,
hasPermission: true,
isExpired: false
// Each check only runs if previous checks pass
response.isAuthenticated &&= validateToken();
response.hasPermission &&= checkAccess();
response.isExpired &&= checkExpiration(); // Stays false if no permission

Keep in mind that the &&= operator is about conditional updates based on truthiness. If you need to handle null or undefined specifically, consider using the ??= operator instead.

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This article was originally published on It was written by a human and polished using grammar tools for clarity.